Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Almost time!

We are getting close to Benjamin arriving! I am about 35 weeks... which means only 5-7 wks to go! In theory, he could come as early as 1 week, but knowing my luck, that just won't happen. LOL!

We are getting ready for the birth. I got my supply list from my midwife and we are slowing buying the things we need. We are still deciding on whether to rent a pool or to just buy one. They aren't really very expensive (about $100), but I am quickly getting to crunch time and need to order soon if I am going to.

I emailed the birth photographer and still need to have my maternity photos done. I feel like I have put off this stuff for too long! I still have one more client who needs to have her baby before I can really relax and concentrate on my baby. Funny how that works.

I have been a crazy nesting lady too. I haven't cared a lick about my house for 8 mths and all of a sudden I looked around and it was disasterous! I have gone crazy cleaning and sorting and my garage is full of stuff for the garage sale we intend to have in a week and a half. WOOT! Can't wait to purge.

I should be posting belly pics. I just haven't had the time to take any. My belly is getting big, but not as big as I would expect. Who knows. He is just growing at him own rate.

So, that is about it for my baby... we are all looking forward to meeting him soon!


Jon and Maryanne said...

I can't believe you are so close already!!! :) Hey! I can't remember if I gave you my cousin's web address..she is a photographer too and is amazing!

She just had a home birth too that went awesome!

Beth said...

You rock, Elizabeth! Water births are by far the best, and if you're going to have any more babies you might as well get the pool... Besides, water birthed babies are exceptional, ask Adam or Jake and they'll tell you in a heartbeat....
I'm so proud of you!
(Emily's Mom thru marriage)