Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

We hope that you each enjoyed this easter and the joy of Christ's resurrection. We, ofcourse, spent the morning and early afternoon at church. We then came home and gave the kids each an easter basket and then let them hunt for eggs outside. No Easter Bunny around here! They seemed to have a good time. Here are a few pictures of the fun!

Zach sharing an Egg
After the one egg

Zach being a gentleman
Walking together

Dunkan smiling at the camera

Dunkan picking up eggs

Izzy holding her easter basket

Izzy looking at her eggs Mmmmm. M&M drool
Zach opening his eggs

Dunkan opening his eggs
Izzy sharing with Dunkan
Then... Izzy stealing from Dunkan!
Opening eggs together


Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

That looks like it was fun! The pictures look beautiful! I love the pic of Dunkan's face after Izzy took his egg.

CNH said...

Dunkan's face is priceless! ROFL! Your Izzy reminds me so much of my own.

Any word on Tom?