Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Now, mind you, exactly one week ago, it was 86 degrees. The air conditioning was on! Then Monday night, the temp dropped and the sleet started. By 1am, the ground was covered in snow! The kids woke up Tuesday morning and got to play for a bit. It didn't last long and by noon it was in the 50's again. Today... 65. Go figure. I have never lived any where with weather this wacky!

So here are some pictures of the kiddos in the snow. This was the first time Isabel had ever even seen it. She was very unsure about the whole thing! LOL!

Isabel in Zach's old snowsuit...

Snow on our bushes with Dunkan in the background (antique finish)...

Dunkan throwing a snowball...

Zachary learning how to make a snowball...

Isabel after being laid in the snow (an not happy about it!)...

1 comment:

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

Yea!!! Snow! And I hope there's some more tonight!