Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tom's Seizure

For those who may not know, Tom suffered from a Grand Mal (or clonic tonic) seizure on Wednesday night. He was at the church for scouts and thankfully surrounded by a lot of men who knew exactly what to do. He was unconscious and seizing for 5-7 minutes. The paramedics were called and he was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He remained there for several hours while they did CT scans and bloodwork. Thankfully the CT scans came back normal (ruling out a brain tumor or such) and bloodwork was fine. They did a whole toxicity screen.

They recommended that he follow up with a neurologist and have an EEG done to determine if it could be adult onset epilepsy. SCARY! He is doing alright. The following day he had a terrible headache and couldn't get out of bed. He has sense had some short and long term memory problems. We are hoping he is healthy and fine and they are just due to stress.

Please continue to pray for him. We recently discovered there may be long term restrictions on his ability to drive. This will make his job search very difficult and our home life very stressful. We are praying that it will work out. We are also praying for an answer to our lack of insurance issues. Please keep him in your thoughts.

We see the neurologist tomorrow and hope to have more answers. I will post when I know more!

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