Monday, September 1, 2008

Yep... it is September and I am still pregnant.

Just in case you are like one of the many who thinks I had a baby and didn't tell you! LOL! I am still pregnant!

I have actually had pretty strong contraction this weekend. They are still irregular though. I am hoping this means he will make his appearance soon!

We are doing great health wise. No issues. He is moving a ton and really active and I feel great. Just tired. Even my swelling has gone away! Yeah for that!

If I haven't had him by tomorrow then I call my midwife to schedule another sono for either tomorrow or for wednedsay. We are just checking to make sure he is still doing great! I may also consider going to see the acupuncturist this week to try and get labor going. I have done massage, chiropractic, a few herbs, homeopathy, belly dancing, mexican food, and some "other" things (wink, wink) with no real results. I hate to push the kid out if he isn't ready, so I am trying to just be patient.

So, I promise, when I have him, there will be a big post here that says he has arrived. When in doubt, check here. I will probably send out a mass email too, just to cover my basis.

On an ironic note, enrichment night at church is tomorrow night. I went when I was overdue with Isabel and it drove everyone nuts. I think it is hilarious that I will most likely be there tomorrow night, once again, overdue! LOL! Oh and everyone I know who was due AFTER me, has already had their baby. I guess I have to be next. There is no one else to have a baby!

Ok, off to bed.

1 comment:

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

I heard you were in labor last night! WooHoo! I can't wait to see pics of the baby!

I hope Labor went well (notice I captialized it?). I'm sure you'll be writing a blog about it soon (with LOTS of pictures, right?)!