Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well, that was easy!

I know I mentioned in a previous post that Isabel was using the potty. It seems to have stuck! I will admit that I am a bit surprised. She hasn't had an accident in a few days and does both pee and poop on the potty without any promptings at all. Seriously! Yesterday, she had on a diaper and a cover since we had been out running errands (it still scares me to put her in panties) and she comes running to me naked. She is yelling "I pooooo'ed!" and sure enough, she had taken off the cover and the diaper and had gone pee and poop in her potty. Well all be darn'ed.

So we are now trying to guage her sleeping time. The trick is that she pees as soon as she wakes up, so if we get the diaper off her asap, she will sleep dry too. Interestingly, she seems to be sleeping better as well, although that was the case when Zach potty learned as well. I suppose it isn't comfortable sleeping in your own pee.

So that is her exciting news of the week! I'm not holding my breath that it will stick, so we'll just see. We may have some new baby regression. I'll keep you all posted as I am sure you are waiting on the edge of your toilet seats! LOL!

1 comment:

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

WOW! I'll hope for you that Izzy keeps it up. It stinks having two kids in diapers. It's just one more stress to have. So if Izzy can be diaper free, all the better!

Way to go Izzy! You show that potty who's the boss!