Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tom's Knee~ An update

Well, it seems to finally be improving. He went in this last Thursday to have the surgeon look at it again. He removed the stitches and said that it was looking significantly better. He is still taking the antibiotics and hopes they will kick the rest of this infection out.

He did ask the doctor about any concerns regarding staph infections. The doctor assurred him that his risk of serious illness was next to nothing as he was healthy and had a strong immune system. He said his was not the antibiotic resistant strain.

So I thought I would let everyone know. Maudy, I know you and Pops have been especially concerned. We'll keep you update of any changes.

1 comment:

Maudy said...

What a relief to here that he is mending better now. This staff infection thing is no laughing matter, and had me very concerned. Continue to keep a good eye on it. It could come back on him if he discontinues meds before it has been entirely wiped out.